Saturday, June 22, 2013

Long due

It has been a while. Not just a while. It has been years. 

3 years and a few months to be precise.

Its like getting hit so hard that I'm on my knees and I have lost all the strength to get back up. 

I am exhausted. I always thought giving my best meant reaping the rewards for the effort that went in. I never once realized that my best need not always be good enough.

Its hard. Its like walking down some road blindfolded, knowing that there's a cliff in the end.

I had to come back to this place. 

I had to ask for help. 

It happened again today. After a long time. After giving everything and losing it all.

I prayed.

1 comment:

  1. Life is not a transaction. Good work = better results. No. It doesn't work that way. I know you've head this multiple times. But it all depends on how fast you can get up from a Fall. How soon you can be up and running. How quick you can bounce back. It can be the toughest part of a failure. But that's what separates winners from quitters.
    lets do this. You just don't know you can stand up again. Just believe in yourself and you'll do it.
