Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pay attention, its free!

Life, is a social experiment.

For plenty of people social networking is life, while in actuality life is a web of social networks. Its said that joy doubles and sorrow halves when shared. People have stopped realsing the value of that, thanks to the fast growing world where people can't even spend time to smile at the next guy. People today feel lonely in a crowd, lost amidst best of friends. Why? Lack of attention. It so happens that in a group of friends you might have favorites. As the group gets bigger the attention naturally gets divided and sadly people tend to forget one or two. Yes, in a group of best of friends. Being left out is not their choice or leaving out them is not their option. Yet it happens and there comes a divide between people which may rise due to inexplicable reasons. Isolation is something that no man has mastered to deal with. Life, both social and the social networking phase of it, is all about notifications. Learn to appreciate the existence of the fellow being. Pay attention, it costs you nothing :)

Life, is a social experiment.


  1. Lovely, lovely post. I must start paying attention :)

  2. Its true... N m sitting alone in a crowd reading your posts... N nice pics

  3. Sometimes attention just comes uncalled. Like the kind of "attention" people give during a road accident or the kind you get if you are a pretty girl in a bus.
    Getting yourself included without being afraid of getting ignored is FAR better than waiting for people to sprinkle attention on you.
